What to Learn: Learning Path to Become Functional Consultant: FCL-003

If you’re considering transitioning into a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance or SCM functional consultant role but aren’t sure where to begin, then this video is designed specifically for you.

After receiving much praise for my first video ( https://youtu.be/khirT2j2iYI?si=HXJFkjE_EFADRwOt ) where I outlined the learning journey to become a functional consultant in Microsoft Dynamics 365, many individuals contacted me asking for guidance on the next steps.

They wanted to know what to learn, how to learn, and where to find reliable learning resources. The main challenge for them seemed to be the overwhelming amount of content available on the internet in this field, which made it difficult to decide where to begin.

I wanted to assist those of you who are considering a career in Microsoft Dynamics as a functional consultant but are unsure about which topics to focus on, how to go about learning them, and where to find reliable resources.

I’ve broken down the process into three steps:

Step-1:  Identifying What to Learn: This involves setting your learning objectives and creating a list of modules or topics to establish your foundational knowledge.

Step-2:  Understanding How to Learn: This step explains the approach to learning any topic that you’ve identified in step 1.

Step-3:  Finding Where to Learn: Here, you’ll discover sources from which you can learn and practice all the topics you’re studying.

This video is about the Step-1.

If you’re navigating the journey toward becoming a functional consultant, this series can be beneficial, regardless of the specific product you’re exploring (be it D365 F&O, CE, BC, or any other ERP).

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